Faculty Profiles
Our professors are internationally respected and hold PhDs from world-renowned universities. Their insights and perspectives will inspire you to pursue business ideas.
Research and Teaching
Our faculty members are active researchers with high international impact. They serve on the editorial boards of leading operations management journals, including Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, and Production and Operations Management. They are also frequent contributors to these and other elite academic journals.
In the University of Texas at Dallas Ranking of research publications of business schools worldwide, we are ranked in the top 30 in operations management research based on publications from 2016-2022.
The knowledge gained from our research brings both currency and relevancy to classroom teaching. Many of our faculty members have also won the prestigious Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence.
Industry Collaborations
Our faculty members maintain very close contacts with the business world. They are often asked to be consultants in technology transfer projects, and to provide senior executive training for multinational companies. Many corporations have benefited from their expertise. The Centre for Marketing and Supply Chain Management also organizes annual events that involve leading corporations in the region.
To enhance learning and expose students to current practices, we organize regular luncheon seminars in which speakers from industry share their experiences. Several elective courses in the program are taught by senior executives from industry.
(PhD, Columbia University)
Research Interests: Supply chain management, interface of operations and marketing, production and quality control, queuing systems
Wei Lun Foundation Professor of Business
(PhD, Stanford University)
Research Interests: Stochastic models for production and inventory control, incentive in operations, supply chain management
Director of HKUST Li & Fung Supply Chain Institute
(PhD, University of British Columbia)
Research Interests:Intertemporal choice, inventory management, supply chain management, behavioral operations management, business analytics
(PhD, New York University)
Research Interests: Socially responsible operations, operations-marketing interface, supply chain management
(PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Research Interests:Value of information and incentives for information exchange, supply chain management, coordination of global operations, coordination in production and service systems
(PhD, University of Michigan)
Research interests: Pricing and revenue management, OM/ marketing interface, operations analytics
Department of ISOM
(PhD, University of Alabama)
Research interests: Operations management, enterprise resource planning, SAP software applications, supply chain management, quality management
(PhD, Stanford University)
Research Interests:Total quality management, supply chain management, production and operations management
(PhD, New York University)
Research interests:Supply chain management, operations/manufacturing flexibility design and analysis, revenue management and online marketplaces
(PhD, Columbia University)
Research interests: Dynamic pricing and revenue management in e-commerce, machine learning and sequential decision making in operations research context, business and sports analytics
(PhD, Columbia Business School)
Research interests: Data-driven decision-making in operations management and service systems.
(PhD, Columbia University)
Research interests: Empirical modeling, data-driven decision making, healthcare operations, asset pricing, information dynamics, financial engineering
(MBA, University of Philippines)
Group CEO & Executive Director
Li & Fung Limited
Department of Management
(PhD, University of Southern California)
Research interests: International management and culture, human resource management, organizational culture, organizational learning
Department of Economics
(PhD, Columbia University)
Research interests: Brain drain, macroeconomics, money and growth theory